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Joy is the lesson

By james

March 3, 2021

Is it OK to celebrate and be joyful right now?

My friend asked that same question as we were talking about the re-imposition of restrictions to arrest the recent spike of infections. 

Including the issues of vaccine shortage and the spread of a more contagious variant of the virus that defined the year 2020.

The latest report from the WHO showed 107M cases, 60M recovered, and 2.35M deaths worldwide. 

While the International Labor Organization reported an 8.3% decline in global labour income (before taking into account income support measures) amounting to US$3.7 trillion, or 4.4 per cent of global gross domestic product.

Such very daunting statistics in the macro-scale which may have hit us in some way or the other in our own personal finances (not to mention in our own emotional wellbeing). 

So yes, there is that natural compulsion to “contract” as we mull over the lessons we’ve learned or try to learn from the way we are navigating through our current challenges.

There seems to be a logical reason for postponing feeling happy or celebrating at the moment. 

Shall we then do just that?

Our answers may differ as the varying ways each country in the world has responded to  the pandemic.

So let me share some ideas we could consider and  find a reason to SMILE in spite of and including the struggles we’re commonly facing.

Have the AND in mind

The popular saying states that - “You can’t eat your cake and have it too.” Or is it - “ You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

Why not - “Have your cake and eat it too.”

In the midst of our difficulties we can “breathe” through our uncomfortable feelings.

AND pursue our dreams of a better and more fulfilled life at the same time.

We could launch that new product, enroll in that online training or simply call our parents while we’re feeling a bit sad and discouraged, isn’t it?

Find joy in the simple things

In one social gathering I’ve attended (pre-lockdown, of course), the emcee asked - “What are you thankful for, today?

I immediately thought of my career in air traffic control,  the opportunity to work with awesome entrepreneurs and other huge highlights in my life.

And then came the follow-up question - “Would you be able to think of  at least 100 things in the next five minutes, before we start the festivities?”.

Then it dawned on me that I was too focused on the seemingly bigger achievements only to realize that those were achieved by small wins compounded through time.

Think about the gift of a warm bed, a hearty meal, a beautiful sunrise, a good laugh with your child or simply - you reading this…

Certainly we can choose to be grateful for the amazing things intertwined in our seemingly “simple”  lives.

Honor People  

The hyper-fast advancement of “smart’ technologies have created our current culture of instantaneous and  constant connectivity.

And yet there’s an utter disconnect in our relationships with those we interact with.

When was the last time we bothered to stop scrolling through our Facebook feed while ordering our morning coffee with that very accommodating barista.

Or paused the video we were watching  on YouTube while receiving our weekly groceries from that friendly delivery guy.

At dinner yesterday, did we take the time to appreciate the efforts of the cook (i.e., wife, husband, or our personal chef)?

Were we too engrossed with the current stock reports on our smartphones we conveniently brought to the dining table?

I am certainly guilty, at times, of forgetting to acknowledge and honor those who make my life a lot easier. 

Yet, when I said a simple thank you or a specific compliment, the positive responses I’ve received made me more vibrant and enthusiastic to tackle the rest of the day.

Try it out!.

Avoid the comparison game

The quote mostly attributed to Theodore Roosevelt is such a powerful statement - “Comparison is the thief of joy.” 

When we compare ourselves to others, we may be left with feelings of inferiority or superiority, and I think either is emotionally healthy for our wellbeing.

Comparing ourselves to others also affects our confidence and a common source of stress and overwhelm.

Yes, benchmarks are needed to know where we are or inspire us to be better.

However, remember each one of us is  part of the 7.8 billion who inhabit this planet for a specific purpose.

Thus, the more important game we should be concentrating on is to discover the genius innately within us.

Then be focused on excellently providing  our own unique contribution to eventually leave this earth a better place than we were born into.

Be a person for others

As Pope Francis aptly stated - “Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you.”

Whether you are a parent, a colleague, or a friend - there’s a plethora of  opportunities to be a blessing to others.

Especially if you’re an entrepreneur, today’s economic challenges provide a great opportunity to help your customers.

Admittedly there are difficulties, IMF estimates that the global economy shrunk by 4.4% in 2020.The organisation described the decline as the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

But then, consumers spent $861.12 billion online with U.S. merchants in 2020, up an incredible 44.0% year over year, according to Digital Commerce 360 estimates. 

Business owners are therefore in an attractive position to offer products and services that would genuinely help their respective markets.

And even in our personal lives we could intentionally be more responsible with the energy around us.

As one of my favorite spiritual mentors puts it, “...in the midst of all the masks which has become a must in our times…

...don’t forget that our teeth need sunlight” (or maybe a little bit of air behind the covering). 

Whenever we can - SMILE and let’s bring a little bit of joy to someone we hold dear... there is always a reason to be grateful and joyful, now!

If you’re looking for ways to make your successful business better and bring more JOY to your customers, go to jamesrgerice.com/on-demand-class. Implement the ideas and shoot me a DM or an email of your experience.

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