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Simple is BEST!

By james

March 24, 2020

It is a concept that most of us might have encountered and successfully applied but sometimes (unknowingly) forget.

And that certainly includes me…

Currently, I’m happily working with awesome business owners to increase their profit with minimum stress - but it was not at all “roses and honey” when I started.

Complexity Bias

When I transitioned into business consulting as my primary freelancing service, I immediately thought of finding the newest trends to project more credibility like having a “better looking” website and more intricate sales processes.

I also reckoned that “live video” would be one of my staple content platforms, so I spent a lot of time researching for the best DSLR camera possible.

I’ve likewise invested time and effort to review lighting and audio “best practices” recommendations. Read so-called expert  articles and related contents on coaching. And opted in for various on-demand classes on the subject.

Now, why did I choose the route of complexity?

I definitely succumb to our subconscious tendency, as humans, to over complicate things. Research has shown that when faced with two competing hypotheses, we are likely to choose the more complex one.

And that is usually the choice with the most assumptions and regressions. As a result, when we need to make a decision we tend to ignore the simple options and instead favor the more complex ones.

Lost in Distraction

I certainly disregarded almost three decades of wisdom gained as an air traffic controller - to always look for the simple solution. So, after a couple of weeks I felt that I was being pulled in a million directions and swamped with too many things to do but getting effectively NOWHERE.

Then I remembered what one of my mentors told me when I got stuck - “..keep it SIMPLE - go back to the reason why you do what you do.”  I realized that I’ve lost sight of what made me enjoy my online side hustle in the first place - being able to contribute something of REAL VALUE to  clients and get them exactly what they want, consistently.

And consistency in providing useful content to my audience and finding amazing clients were LOST in all the distraction of pursuing cutting edge, more intricate and apparently better ways of doing things.  

Our Entrepreneurial Logic

Similarly, clients would come to me and would ask my opinion on their completely re-written sales letter or evaluate a revised way of revenue creation to improve their businesses. Having hardwired entrepreneurial brains, they, or more accurately WE, have the tendency to gravitate towards finding  new ways of resolving perceived problems. 

Of course, the client and I would verify the causes and analyze actual numbers that would support possible changes. But in most cases,  we would do two things first. One, is to look at what is WORKING WELL, and then review their BEST performing months in the past year or so.

Focus on what is important

More OFTEN than not, clients would get their desired results with minimal overwhelm just by focusing on these two things - optimizing what is working really well NOW  and doing MORE of what has worked really, really well in the PAST.

Undoubtedly, there are instances that a complete revamp or a major improvement is necessary, but that would come after considering the simple solution first.

Well in my case, I’m still considering buying a new microphone, webcam and the latest “pro earbuds”. But for a while now, I have just used my good old reliable Iphone and stack of books serving as a tripod or recording straight out of my laptop - and it has worked superbly!

What is important for my business is  to find qualified clients and get them exactly what they WANT - which is to have tangible results with minimal stress and overwhelm.  And deliver that in the SIMPLEST and quickest way possible.

And when that elegant act of valuing simplicity, yet still achieving the BEST result is attained,  that would once again highlight the genius of Da Vinci... simplicity is certainly the ultimate sophistication.

If you’re looking for ways to make your successful business better and realize SIMPLICITY in action, go to jamesrgerice.com/on-demand-class. Implement the ideas and shoot me a DM or an email of your experience.

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